Predicting Fatigue with
Generative AI Voice Analysis

Providing Fatigue Risk Management Solutions to Companies
Worldwide by predicting Fatigue
ahead of Time

Fatigue across Industries

Mining, Metal Smelting, Transport, Aviation, the Office and at Home

"Managing fatigue : It's about sleep" - Prof. Dawson

Fatigue as a result of lack of sleep plays a major role in our society, and with the increasing pressure from social media, such as binge watching our favourite tv shows until the early hours, sleep is under pressure these days not only from our working and commuting hours, but also from sleep time having to make room for our smart device use as well.

At WOMBATT our vision is to teach people about fatigue and sleep, helping them gain insights into the dangers of fatigue in every industry. We strive for a safe work environment and safe road use in which fatigue is no longer the invisible threat to people and companies. Smart devices causing distractions from sleep can now be used to turn the tables again, helping protect us from sleep loss and fatigue and with that improving health, well being and safety! 

An essential tool in managing fatigue effectively is having the right data to work with.


"I believe it is the only system on the market that is a predictive tool for identifying fatigue before it leads to an incident. Which then teaches the user to become the predictor and ultimately make changes to their lifestyle and create better habits to prevent fatigue events"

Mine Manager, North American Gold Mine

Voice Artificial Intelligence
Fatigue Prediction

By using advanced speech analysis technologies to predict fatigue with a high level of accuracy, we can guide users in recognizing fatigue, what it was/is being caused by, and help make fatigue a danger of the past.

With our innovative system, companies gain the information they need to monitor the well-being of their employees and proactively address potential safety risks associated with fatigue. Our service offers a level of precision and detail that sets us apart from traditional fatigue detection methods, making WOMBATT the leader in this field. 

WOMBATT-VOZ AI Voice-based FRMS App is compliant with a number of industry set standards such as the ANSI/API RP 755 Standard and follows the ISO 310000 Standard.

"The WOMBATT system has significantly improved our ability to monitor our drivers and keep them safe." 

Kirk Zerkel, Alaska Aggregate Products LLC

Our Advantage


Gives companies, self-employed drivers and private users the possibility to react to fatigue risk in advance. The power of highly accurate risk assessment in the future gives you the opportunity to plan your powernap, break or swap out to a different job prior to the fatigue event, all within your current schedule. Planning for fatigue prevention is now possible without abrupt intervention requirements! 

No Hardware

Our fatigue prediction technology is incredibly versatile as it does not require any specific devices to operate. Connect it to your mobile, smartwatch, onboard tablet and or journey management system. In our online society the possibilities are unlimited. 

High Accuracy

Uses voice-based AI to predict fatigue with up to 90% accuracy. Tested in European Space Agency labs to ESA engineering standards, and benchmarked against human fatigue measures such as reaction times, cognition and memory tests.

Cost Efficient

Fatigue prevention does not have to be an expensive investment. WOMBATT-VOZ operates as a software-only subscription service. It uses “off the shelf” hardware solutions, eliminating the need for bespoke equipment investments. 

Providing 23 Years of Fatigue Risk Management

Using The Voice To Predict Fatigue

The human voice is a powerful source of information, in our ever evolving lifestyle we are using it more and more. To turn on household appliances, to ask Google or Siri a question, to start our cars and to predict and detect health-related issues. The future of using our voice for other purposes than communication with each other has arrived.

Our voice has millions of elements which can tell you any story about yourself, as long as you ask the right questions. In the medical industry there are current solutions in which you can call a number and leave a voice message, the analysis of that call will tell you if you have the elements to develop Parkinson’s disease. Another thing about the voice, you can’t fake it, you can pretend to sound a certain way, however the muscles in your voice producing the elements are either in our case fatigued or not fatigued. 

WOMBATT analyses any 8 second voice audio recording sent to our artificial intelligence algorithm, which then takes a few seconds depending on transmission speeds to predict the level of fatigue of the user with a validated 90% accuracy and returns the result to the users device, in the event of an alert, an SMS and/or e-mail will be sent to the fatigue management team for corporate users.

Voice Muscles
An 8 second WOMBATT-VOZ voice recording

It's Non Intrusive

As WOMBATT operates in the background, the system does not intrude on users making it a popular solution with drivers and supervisors

Why Improving Fatigue in the Industry is a Necessary Action

Fatigue in Mining:

Mines worldwide experience an average of one fatal fatigue accident every 5 years. Costing $15 million per incident, this results in an average yearly cost of $3 million per mine.
By preventing fatigue with the right tools, companies can assure that all their employees can return home safely

Fatigue in Industry:

"Employers with 1,000 employees could incur losses of more than
$1 million per year due to employee fatigue"
- National Safety Council.
Luckily fatigue doesn't always have a fatal result, however fatigue debt also affects the human body on the following markers such as memory, balance, concentration, decision-making and motor skills. All are markers which we require to operate and work safely and efficiently

Fatigue in Industry:

"Employers with 1,000 employees could incur losses of more than
$1 million per year due to employee fatigue"
- National Safety Council.
Luckily fatigue doesn't always have a fatal result, however fatigue debt also affects the human body on the following markers such as memory, balance, concentration, decision-making and motor skills. All are markers which we require to operate and work safely and efficiently

Fatigue on the Road:

260 thousand people die on the world’s roads each year due to fatigue according to WHO numbers. It's the reason governments worldwide are investing in a future with Zero road incidents.
40-60% of all European work-related fatalities are the result of road accidents that occur during work or while commuting to and from work. 20--25% of these fatalities are caused by fatigue as stated in the European Commission's Vision Zero documentation.

Is your organisation ready for the upcoming policies?

Contact Us

Contact us to find out how we can help you gain insights into the fatigue risks within your organisation
(US) +1 936 223 4251
WOMBATT Fatigue Management

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